Monday 19 November 2012

Chairs= Love :)

I have been meaning to post my latest work for a while, but unfortunately the winter laziness  has knocked on my door! Luckily my thirst for new projects hasn't stopped though :)

These days the price of things, and furniture in particular is just mad! and to be fair if I can I try to save as much as possible, I go around car boots or just ask the people I know if they have anything they want to get rid of so that I can have it to play with :)
My boyfriend's mum had two unused chairs in the garden that luckily for me she didn't want any more, you won't be surprise  if I tell you how excited I was when my boyfriend asked me if I could be interested in them.
I only worked on one of them, even if I already have the paint and the rest of the tools ready to be used! :)

             This is the chair as it was given to me:

 These are the guys that helped me doing the magic :) (as I was telling you I have the tools ready for the making of chair number two, which is going to be violet, excited!)

                                Work in progress

    Mesdames et Messieurs it's with immense pleasure I give you My New  Lovely Chair <3

      A closer look to the details I tried to keep from the original 

Hopefully I will update you with the other chair shortly, Ciao Belli <3

Friday 20 July 2012

A social network should be a useful mean of communication where people find interesting ideas, keep informed and inspire each other... Luckily for me I came across an amazing Facebook page where people can donate for free things no longer needed or simply try to get some money out of bits and bobs around their houses... So yesterday, while at work bored as hell!, I saw this amazing bar stool for sale for only £8! I JUST FELL IN LOVE WITH IT! I could already portrait that beauty in my lounge behind my counter with the other two babies of mine! ( my other two bar stools!) There was only a problem! Not driving in this country yet, I didn't know how to collect it! The only option was to get the bus to seller's place, try to fit the stool in the bus and walk back home! ?!?!!??! The seller, a lovely girl, offered to deliver it to my house for only £2 more, when she offered that I could hear the bells ringing :D 

Now, when I said I could already picture that beauty in my lounge I forgot to mention a little detail! Of course I had to make some changes.. So after a bit of sand paper process, instead of going for white which has been my recent choice of hue, I opted for a lovely and bright Duck Egg shade... Ladies & Gentlemen is with immense pride that I give you Mr Bar Stool :)

Thursday 19 April 2012

My New Passion Part#2

I just can't stay still, it is a matter of fact! I wanted a coffee table but I didn't really have a clear idea on what I wanted. My favourite shops are Charity Shops or Second Hands Shops in general. Sunday I went out to buy just few tools but the case (or it was fate ) sent me to this Charity Shop where for £5 I bought an amazing coffee table that under my crazy hands changed completely! This time the ingredients were: strong arms to get the table from town centre to my house!, lots of Love, passion for what you like to do, believing in yourself (ALWAYS!) and voila a Shabby (lovely) Chic coffee table... I am so proud of it :)


   Work in progress


And Ladies and Gentlemen...

Getting Shabby..Chic

My new passion  

One of the steps that makes you an Adult with capital "A", in my opinion, is to have a house for yourself; a place that you can make a Home, the place where after a very stressful day at work you can go back to and be Yourself.
I recently moved in a new place, the exiting  part of it is that this, for the first time in my life is a flat ALL for Myself (and my lovely Sweet Half of course).
"Luckly" (or maybe not, it depends on how you see things!) the flat wasn't furnished so I had to provide for everything, from A to Z, or in my case from bed to sofa! The bright side of it is that I was, and I am as the house is still a Work in Progress!, FREE to choose whatever I wanted to buy to turn it into my little cave! 
I am really into Vintage, not just clothes wise though, I like the idea that objects had a different Life before me, that they had a Past and now they have a new Present. Is not a surprise then, if I say I decided to go for Shabby Chic for my lovely new house.
As you can imagine having to buy everything (this is why I was saying before it depends on how you see things!) my budget wasn't very high, but having a look around I found exactly what I was looking for!
I desperately wanted to get two bar stalls for my kitchen cuz  I have a little bar area ,as I call it!, but the minimum was £25 so I went to a Car Boot and guess what? I bought two for £5, Happy Alessia :)
With few tutorials, international advices from my sister (she lives in Sicily I am in England!), the help of all the people who have visited me during the creating process, sand paper, water based paint, and of course LOVE I am very happy to introduce my first ever Shabby but very Chic experiment :) 


                                             Sand Paper Process

                                           Getting the Shabby Chic Look

                                 And DaDa..My two lovely bar stalls

                                            Details of the Shabby effect

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Svanire (in Italian To Vanish, To Fade, To Dissapear)

is the combination of the different emotions I am experiencing in this stage of my life.


Approximately 70% of water flows within our body, probably this is the reason why water is still the major object of study and, why not, obsession for my thirst for art...the way the light playing with water gave birth to this rainbow is what left me speechless in fron of this picture that I have used as a source of inspiration for my last work...

Thursday 16 February 2012

I came across Helen Frankenthaler today,
I have never heard of her before as I am not into
contemporary art, in fact I didn't really appreciate everything but this one..what a journey! First of all I was impressed to recognize my last painting in hers, for some reason they are both speaking the same language..the passion going on..the power they both emanate..WOW..I just can't stop looking at it..

Tuesday 14 February 2012

..Family Affair..

I didn't paint in almost a year now...I felt stuck for some reason, even though I bought

myself brushes, oil paints: the idea of having to face myself, to get undressed in front of

a white canvas has been the most terrifying

ever..I felt a lack of inspiration or I was just too

deaf to hear my inner voice? Normally I paint when my hands can't stay still and I am feeling exicted about something or someone, or when the sense of anguish consumes me..

I don't know which feeling has prevailed yet but today after all this time I held a brush in my hands again..what inspired me was how greedy people can be, when money or houses

are on the table they just go blind, forgetting that money doesn't buy everything....

what do you have left when you lose the unconditional love and affection of those

whose blood in the veins is the same as yours?

Ladies and Gentlemen this is "Family Affair"