Thursday 19 April 2012

Getting Shabby..Chic

My new passion  

One of the steps that makes you an Adult with capital "A", in my opinion, is to have a house for yourself; a place that you can make a Home, the place where after a very stressful day at work you can go back to and be Yourself.
I recently moved in a new place, the exiting  part of it is that this, for the first time in my life is a flat ALL for Myself (and my lovely Sweet Half of course).
"Luckly" (or maybe not, it depends on how you see things!) the flat wasn't furnished so I had to provide for everything, from A to Z, or in my case from bed to sofa! The bright side of it is that I was, and I am as the house is still a Work in Progress!, FREE to choose whatever I wanted to buy to turn it into my little cave! 
I am really into Vintage, not just clothes wise though, I like the idea that objects had a different Life before me, that they had a Past and now they have a new Present. Is not a surprise then, if I say I decided to go for Shabby Chic for my lovely new house.
As you can imagine having to buy everything (this is why I was saying before it depends on how you see things!) my budget wasn't very high, but having a look around I found exactly what I was looking for!
I desperately wanted to get two bar stalls for my kitchen cuz  I have a little bar area ,as I call it!, but the minimum was £25 so I went to a Car Boot and guess what? I bought two for £5, Happy Alessia :)
With few tutorials, international advices from my sister (she lives in Sicily I am in England!), the help of all the people who have visited me during the creating process, sand paper, water based paint, and of course LOVE I am very happy to introduce my first ever Shabby but very Chic experiment :) 


                                             Sand Paper Process

                                           Getting the Shabby Chic Look

                                 And DaDa..My two lovely bar stalls

                                            Details of the Shabby effect

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